ClaroSwiss Water Filter

Enhance your espresso and prolong the life of your machine.

Easy to install and compatible with some of our best-sellers, the ClaroSwiss water filter enhances the quality of your espresso by reducing chlorine, heavy metals and minerals. It can also help prolong the life of your machine. For optimal results, filter needs to be replaced every 90 days.

Disclaimer: Please check your existing filter or machine batch code to ensure that the machine is compatible.

Product DNA


ClaroSwiss water filters are compatible with all Sage espresso machines.

Prolongs the working life of your espresso machine

The ClaroSwiss filter protects against scaling which in turns helps increase appliance lifetime. For optimal results, ensure filter is replaced every 90 days.

Enhances the quality of your espresso

By reducing chlorine and heavy metals from the water, the ClaroSwiss filter helps to improve the quality of your espresso.

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